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Come with us discover Aubrac...

From the deep valleys of the Lot and the Truyères to the high lands rising up to 1400 meters, the Aubrac is sprinkled with burons, lakes and wild forests.

At once rough and welcoming, the Aubrac invites you to discover.

Humility of the people who live there for more than 1000 years, power of the mountains, richness of the fauna and the flora. Evasion.

The lakes laid here and there, like mirrors, jealously convent peat bogs and brown trout. Here a stream splits the velvet of the meadow, there a cascade caresses the columns of basalt.

Walk, smell, listen ... observe the deer and the deer, the heron and the kite, the gentian and the narcissus ...

At the end of May each year, the Aubrac cows Transhumance offers a festive and colorful show.

At Camping La Romiguière, we offer you walking topos and excursions to help you discover our secret places on the Aubrac.

Transhumance Aubrac 


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In 2025, your campsite will be open from 8th may to 13th september

Camping La Romiguière


Camping in Aveyron

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