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Camping La Romiguière, nestled in the heart of the Aubrac Regional Natural Park, offers you complete immersion in authentic and preserved nature. Located 8 km from the nearest village, without highways, national roads, railways, or airports nearby, this haven of peace is free of industries and intensive farming.

The main activity in the region is traditional breeding of Aubrac cows, often freely roaming in natural pastures.

This preservation is reflected in the exceptional quality of air and water, confirmed by regular analyses from the ARS, available at the town hall or the camping reception.

By staying here, you will have the opportunity to observe a rich and diverse array of wildlife and plants.


Committed to protecting this exceptional environment, Camping La Romiguière implements various ecological actions:

bee in a cherry blossom

  • No use of phytosanitary products: we prioritize natural methods for maintaining our green spaces.
  • Lime-based treatments: when necessary, we apply traditional treatments like "old-style whitewashing."
  • Nettle slurry bio-stimulation: this natural method strengthens the health of our plants.
  • Mulching: it helps retain soil moisture and promotes biodiversity.
  • Planting of local species: we encourage the growth of native plants to maintain ecological balance.
  • Mechanical or thermal weeding: these techniques are used only where necessary, avoiding chemical products.
  • "Mulching" mowing: this practice enriches the soil with organic matter.
  • Maintaining wild areas: some areas are intentionally left unmowed to serve as biodiversity refuges.
  • Installing birdhouses for tits and insect hotels: these structures support the presence of beneficial species.
  • Beehive installations: they contribute to pollinating surrounding plants.
  • Presence of hens: they help recycle organic waste.
  • LED lighting: all our bulbs are replaced with LEDs to reduce energy consumption.
  • Flow reducers: installed on taps and showers to promote responsible water use.
  • Recycling and composting: we encourage and facilitate waste recycling.
  • Raising awareness among vacationers: information about local wildlife and flora is available.
  • Priority to local suppliers: we favor local businesses to limit the carbon footprint related to transport.

During your stay, keep your eyes open, and you might spot some of the animals living in the camping area, such as tits, herons, deer, or stag beetles. This closeness to nature offers a unique and enriching experience.

By choosing Camping La Romiguière, you opt for a stay in harmony with an exceptional natural environment, while enjoying warm and personalized hospitality. Come and discover this rare and exclusive place where every detail is designed to preserve the wild beauty of Aubrac.


Here are the animals that have already been spotted at Camping La Romiguière. Some live there year-round. Will you recognize them? Be curious and come to observe them!

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In 2025, your campsite will be open from 8th may to 13th september

Camping La Romiguière


Camping in Aveyron

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