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Every summer, we offer you free quality shows for the whole family with the lake and the sunset as backdrops.

For the summer of 2022, we have prepared a varied program with regulars at Camping La Romiguière who have proven themselves and whom you have appreciated over the past years.

Ask for the program! 

  • Trio Doc Lou : 13 july & 9 august - blues, stetsons, harmonica - Doc Lou is back !
  • Henry James : 19 july & 16 august - Henry (and Angus Young) at La Romiguière for the 6th year
  • Duo Idylum : 26 july. Elsa and Simon's guitars will enchant us with a 100% acoustic concert
  • Nathalie Bernat : 2 august - a surprising encounter of traditional music and pop-disco-rock!


trio doclouNathalie Bernat

Henri Jamesidylum


Think about booking your holidays now !...



le bar restau du camping la romiguiere

In 2025, your campsite will be open from 8th may to 13th september

Camping La Romiguière


Camping in Aveyron


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