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Le Chateau de Calmont à Espalion

A visit that will delight young and old: Calmont's Castle is the perfect visit for all the family.

Calmont's Castle overlooks the town of Espalion. From up there, the view is splendid. The Lot meanders below in the heart of a valley with hamlets, you can see the Aubrac mountains.

The castle, which is constantly undergoing renovation, has an architecture typical of fortified castles of the year 1000.

But we visit Calmont d'Olt especially for the entertainment ! Coin minting, forging swords, shots (real!) with the "couillard" or black powder cannon. Spectacular and interesting.

Children, dressed up as knights or princesses adore. And the big ones too !

It is really a "best of" not to be missed.

Our advice : go to the castle around 1 p.m. to take the time to visit and then attend the shooting demonstrations...

For the opening dates and times of the events, see the official website of Chateau de Calmont : https://www.chateaucalmont.org

les bateaux devant le camping

In 2025, your campsite will be open from 8th may to 13th september

Camping La Romiguière


Camping in Aveyron

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